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Pharmácia de Serviço

Há remédio para tudo ... pharmaciadeservico_at_gmail.com

Falta de leitura…

O costa, coitado, nunca leu o memorando da troika… É evidente que há muita mais gente que também nunca o leu. Só que esses não são candidatos a primeiro ministro.
Ora assumindo que quer ser o próximo primeiro ministro costa tem que evitar dizer bosteiradas ou ser assacanado…

3 May 2011

3.30. The Government will accelerate its privatisation programme. The existing plan, elaborated through 2013, covers transport (Aeroportos de Portugal, TAP, and freight branch of CP), energy (GALP, EDP, and REN), communications (Correios de Portugal), and insurance (Caixa Seguros), as well as a number of smaller firms. The plan targets front-loaded proceeds of about €[5.5] billion through the end of the program, with only partial divestment envisaged for all large firms. The Government commits to go even further, by pursuing a rapid full divestment of public sector shares in EDP and REN, and is hopeful that market conditions will permit sale of these two companies, as well as of TAP, by the end of the 2011. The Government will identify, by the time of the second review, two additional large enterprises for privatisation by end-2012. An updated privatisation plan will be prepared by March 2012.

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