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Pharmácia de Serviço

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Prova escrita de Inglês Técnico

Homework - written text

I like very much to be engineer.

For that I need to have a chair of Technical English.

I have accorded with my Rector that he gives me a few lessons of Technical English (by phone, because I need to stay at the ministry to care of the ambience), and after I write a text where I demonstrate my wide knows of the English language.

And so, here I am writing the written work. After this I become Engineer.

Isn’t so beautiful?

As I speak English very well, one day, I shall be prime minister of any republic of bananas. Who knows …?

I would like to thank very much M. the Rector, not only because of the equivalences but also because the high note that you will gives me at this chair of English.

Once more tank you very much


The future (who knows) prime minister of our loved republic
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